Tuesday 29 April 2008

Où habites-tu?

L.O. Name some countries in French

How do we name countries in French? Listen to the Lion King and make up a sentence.
Will it be "en" or "à"? choose a country of your choice and write the answer in the comment box. You are allowed to choose more than one country.
Can you locate them on the map? Click here and here

You can listen and describe some countries by clicking here

Saturday 26 April 2008

Quelle est la maison de tes rêves?

Clique sur les maisons pour apprendre le vocabulaire et décrire la maison de tes rêves.

Enjoy watching this short extract about the adventures of Asterix and Obelix!!! C'est un bâtiment énorme. Attention!! C'est la maison qui rend fou!!

Need to know more? Click here to watch a short video and fill in the missing words. Choose the topic "house and home". Now try describing your dream house.
Ecoute et répète!

Click here. Penses-tu que c'est une belle maison?
Does it look like your house? Could you describe the rooms? Use the vocabulary.

Moi, je trouve que la maison est très isolée parcequ'elle est sur une île, très loin de toute civilisation. Qu'en penses-tu? Écris un petit commentaire.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Ma chambre en peinture

Can you look at the paintings and write down in the comment box what are the rooms called in French . If you are not sure of how to say it, go to the dictionary link.

Quel est le nom du peintre qui a peint ce tableau?
Leave your answer in the comment box. Start your sentence. Le peintre s'appelle....

Click on the picture to get help when choosing and using the prepositions. You will also find the vocabulary which will help you with your writing. Once you learn the vocabulary click on the word exercise and check your knowledge.