Tuesday 20 May 2008

Que fais-tu?

Cliquez ici. Ecoutez et remplissez la grille.

Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?

LO Practising days, months and seasons.

Clique sur le calendrier pour jouer et apprendre
Click on the calendar to practise and repeat the vocabulary: The months of the year and days of the week.

Now that you have practised well, click on the picture to test yourself. Can you note the differences between the English and French way of writing? Here is a clue. Look at the first letter.
Give us your comments.

Les jeux olympiques

L O: Learning how to say which sport(s) you do.

Asterix et Obelix s'entrainent

The word "montrer" is the same as "illustrer les propos par les gestes" . Listen to the heated conversation between Asterix and Obelix and write down how many times the sentence is mentionned.

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Counting and more counting

L O Counting to 100

This is a great site where you will learn to count up to 100. Can you think of opportunities where you could be using them?
Click here to go straight to the games

Let us know which games you found more interesting.

En ville

L O to learn directions

Se déplacer en ville.

How do I go from A to B without getting lost?
Click here to find out

Quelle heure est-il?

L.O. Learn to tell the time to the hour and past the hour

Do you need a little more practice telling the time in French?
Click on the clock then listen and repeat as many times as you need.
Give us your thoughts in the comment box. Could you write down the time you started the activity and what time you finished.
You could start your sentence with. Il est......