Sunday 4 December 2011


A beautiful portrait by Picasso. Could you describe her using your French vocabulary.
Click here to create your own portrait. Be a Picasso for a day! Bon courage!
Il a or Elle a? for describing the physical features. Il est or elle est? for describing personality and character. Don't forget to print your final masterpiece to share in class.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Au cafe

Au café!!
Que désirez-vous? Regardez la vidéo, C'est bon pour la santé?

Les jours de la semaine

Quel est la journée que tu aimes?

Numbers, un deux trois....

Sing Along while counting in French

Guess the numbers before they appear!!!!

Sing Along Now!

BOOGIE BOOGIE des chiffres

Animal Alphabet

How many animals can you see that start with the letter 'C'?
Here is a clue!! Click here to hear the animals and decide
Write your answer in the comment box.
and now test yourself. How well do you remember the Alphabet by clicking here.

Alphabet in style

Can you find out what each word mean? Here is a clue! You use them in Art.

Listen and repeat with l'escargot.

Facts about French Food

What is the most popular French bread? Click here to find out about food to find out some facts about French Food.

Sunday 4 September 2011

la rentrée scolaire

Bienvenus à toutes. Voilà c'est la fin des vacances et le début des cours. J'espère que vous vous êtes bien reposés et vous avez profité du beau temps pour découvrir de nouvelles choses, apprendre et s'amuser.
Cliquez ici pour rentrer dans le monde des jeux français.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

The surrealist painter Miro

Learn about the painter himself. Watch this video in Spanish!!


Miro and the green paradises of childhood.

What is Miro? To learn more click on the picture and enter the world of Miro!

Tuesday 22 March 2011


Salvador Dali

Born in Catalonia, Spain in 1904, Salvador Dali showed artistic talent early. His father was very strict but his mother was much gentler and encouraged him to explore his interest in art. In 1916 he began drawing classes. Then, in 1922, Dali went to Madrid to study at the Academia de San Fernando.
While at school, Dali painted in the Cubist style and experimented briefly with Dada. After he left the Academia de San Fernando, Dali began to experiment with Surrealism.
In 1946, he collaborated with Walt Disney in a short film entitled "Destino" which was inspired by a Mexican "Bolero" by Armando Dominguez. The theme of the film was to stress the importance of time as we wait for destiny to act on our lives.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Contes Tous Mes Ballons

A story full of enigmas. Full of strange occurrences. What makes you as light as a balloon? What made the narrator happy?

Une histoire de kangourous

What are the three 'kangourous' busy doing? What are they planning to do? Did you remember all the new words in the story?
To find out you need to click on the picture.

Une histoire

Click on Spot to hear a story about POUPOUYAKI. Why is he sad?