Tuesday 3 June 2008

Boucle d'Or et les Trois Ours

L.O. To listen and understand a play in French.

How would you like to perform a short presentation in French? Watch a short play and when you feel confident enough get your puppets out . Let the show begin!

How good a narrator are you? You have two weeks to learn the part of the play where "Boucle dOr" tries different things in the house and the return of the three bears to a house full of surprises.
Can you repeat what they say? Have a go!

Once you learned the parts you can read the text by watching this next video animation.

Write a comment to let us know which you preferred.


  1. Moi J'adore Boucle d'Or. Et toi?

  2. Moi j'aime bien maman Ours, Elle fait un bon chocolat chaud pour Papa Ours et Bébé Ours. Elle est très gentille.
    J'aime beaucoup les marionettes. Et toi aimes-tu les marionettes Pony?

  3. Oui! Le blog est fantastique.
    j'aime Boucle d'Or.Elle est jolie et gourmande,

  4. Oui je suis d'accord avec toi Panda. Boucle d'Or est tres belle et elle aime tout ce qui est petit. Une petite chaise, un petit lit et un petit bol. Aimes-tu aussi tout ce qui est petit?

  5. J'aime le deuxieme film parceque je peux le lire.

    MP 4C

  6. I liked the first one better because you can understand it more easily.
    A.S 4C

  7. I liked the second one better because in the first one,
    you could not hear Boucle D'or speaking.

  8. I like the second one most because in the first onr the Person speaking was a bit muffled.
    Ilike the second on best because it actually looks like she is walkin and not bening moved aroudd by a hand.
    By F.W

  9. i think the first one was better because it was easier to understand

    mp 4c
