Wednesday 29 October 2008

sounds and more sounds

How good is your pronunciation? Click here to build the 'voyelles' blocks
Try 'Jeu le transport'.

Are you ready to practise some sounds? Could you tell the difference between 'S' and 'Z'?
Clique ici pour commencer.

Le voyage des mots

Pour un art poétique
Prenez un mot prenez en deux
faites les cuire comme des oeufs
prenez un petit bout de sens
puis un grand morceau d’innocence
faites chauffer à petit feu
au petit feu de la technique
versez la sauce énigmatique
saupoudrez de quelques étoiles
poivrez et mettez les voiles.
Où voulez-vous donc en venir ?
A écrire vraiment ?
A écrire ?
Raymond Queneau.

Read the poem above. Could you find the words for 'eggs" "cook" "heat" and "sprinkle"?
Write them in the comment box please.

To learn more about the author click on his name.

NB! I made a slight change. I typed the poem here so you don't need to click on a link! I hope you find it easier.

How good a poet are you? Click here to create your own poem.
'A écrire' like Queneau would say.

Sunday 12 October 2008

Online Ethymology Dictionary

Les jours de la semaine.

Lundi, mardi mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi et dimanche

No need for capital letters when writing the days of the week in French.
Do you know the origin of the words?
Click here to learn how the French inherited these words. Write the word you need to search and click ok. Is it from Greek, Latin or both? Do we all agree? write your answer in the comment box.