Thursday 8 January 2009

Vive l'Europe

A map of Europe.

Click here to learn the names of the European countries.

After clicking on "vocabulaire" do the exercises. Could you work out the rule for using "en" and "au" when talking about where you live. The colours should give you a clue. Write your answers in the comment box please. The first four correct answers will be the winners.


  1. I went and learnt the names of the European countries.
    J'habite au Royaume-Uni.Why is England called L'Angleterre as well as Le Royaume-Uni?J'ai une amie
    qui habite la France.Elle pere avoir une animal boutique.

  2. Bravo! J'ai une amie qui habite en France aussi." England is "l'Angleterre whereas le Royaume-Uni is G----_B------. Ca you work out the missing letters? Good luck!

  3. La grande Bretagne is Great Britain. It is like asking why do we have Great Britain and England? England doesn't include "l'Ecosse, le pays de Galles et l'Irlande"
    Lucy, Harriet et Amy in 5W

  4. United Kingdom is le Royaume Uni because Uni means united and Royaume means Kingdom
    Harriet, Tessa and Antonia 5W

  5. It is called l'Angleterre and le Royaume-Uni because part of it is England and it is called l'Angleterre and the the whole country is called le Royaume Uni which stands for United Kingdom and it sounds like Royal and united.

  6. It is called l'Angleterre and le Royaume-Uni because part of it is England and it is called l'Angleterre and the the whole country is called le Royaume Uni which stands for United Kingdom and it sounds like Royal and united.

  7. I now know all of the European countries. When my mother tested me she was surprised at how much I knew.

    By F.W

  8. How can you tell if a country is male or female?

  9. Bravo! C'est une très bonne question.
    You will need to look at the ending of the names for all the countries and work out the rule. Good luck!

  10. I really understand most of the contrys now, but I may need help on a few. cane you give me a tip to help me remember like a ryme or somthing

    from Aimee5W

  11. Excellent Aimee. Find a tune that you like, use the names of the countries as lyrics and away you go. Let us know whether this helped you remember better. The tune of "Frère Jacques" is a good one to start with. Bonne chance.

  12. I am starting to learn the European countries off by heart by practice.La Russie est une grande pay.La Macedoine est une petite pay.

  13. Oui, tu as raison, La Russie a une très grande superficie par contre la superficie de La Macédonie est assez petite. Bravo! continue.

  14. i got better at naming the countries the second time.sorry i missed the lesson.

  15. Well done Fenella. Practice is what you need to get better at learning a language. You are on the right track.
    You can type in a sentence in the comment box. Bravo.

  16. here is my sentence
    Je suis Italien,j'habbite en italie.
    I tried the exercise again and did better again,I look forward to Friday.
