Monday 2 February 2009

Conjuguez les verbes

Click on the picture and enter the verbs to learn how to conjugate the verbs in French. You will need to start with the first group as in the "ER" verb endings. You will find many tenses, for this week you will need to focus on the present tense .
What did you notice? Is there a pattern?


  1. Sorry, Madam,I forgot. Do we copy out the different endings we have found and then leave a comment about the pattern, or write about the pattern in our book?

    MA, 6S

  2. For most of the verbs, you take away the "ER" ending and then add the appropriate ending to do with the subject. This rule applies to almost all the verbs except for "nous" for "NAGE", because to keep the sound the "GE" makes you don't take away the "E". There is another exception for "ENVOYER" where the rule only applies to "nous" and "vous"
    MA 6S

  3. Excellent! Bravo! That is very detailed explanation. You could try the different verb endings now a d work out the grammatical rule for them too. Bravo!

  4. Almost all of the verbs have there original "er" endings taken off and the grammatically correct ending added on to the end of the verb. There are only a few exceptions to this pattern. one of the exceptions is envoyer where the pattern only applies to "nous" and "vous". Other exceptions to when the pattern does not work is on the verbs "manger" and "nager" when "nous" is added because the "e" is kept on the end of the verb instead of taken off the end of the verb.

  5. the comment that was posted on the 22nd of February that is not named is written by S.C 6S
    ( the comment that I wrote explained the pattern of the endings of verbs and that the pattern does not apply to nous and vous of envoyer, nous of manger and nager.

    S.C 6S

  6. On most of the verbs you take away the "er" and add instead "es", "eons", "ez" or "ent". this rule goes with almost almost all the verbs except for "nous" with "nager" and in envoyer the rule only works with nous and vous.
    SA 6S

  7. Bravo! All of you gave similar correct answers to the questions. I am very impressed with all the extra information too. Keep trying different verbs. Will the pattern stay the same or will it change? That is the question.

  8. you are changing the verb each time.
    for je you take away the R.
    for tu you take away the ER and add ES.
    for il you take away the R
    for elle you take away the R.
    for nous you take away the ER and add ONS.
    for vous you take away the ER and add EZ.
    for ils you take away the ER and add ENT.
    for elles you take away the ER and add ENT

    CC 6U

  9. Isadora Pruskin 5V26 April 2009 at 01:00

    I've basically learnt them of by heart. Shall i learn manger now too??
