Pour un art poétique
Prenez un mot prenez en deux
faites les cuire comme des oeufs
prenez un petit bout de sens
puis un grand morceau d’innocence
faites chauffer à petit feu
au petit feu de la technique
versez la sauce énigmatique
saupoudrez de quelques étoiles
poivrez et mettez les voiles.
Où voulez-vous donc en venir ?
A écrire vraiment ?
A écrire ?
Raymond Queneau.
Read the poem above. Could you find the words for 'eggs" "cook" "heat" and "sprinkle"?
Write them in the comment box please.
To learn more about the author click on his name.
NB! I made a slight change. I typed the poem here so you don't need to click on a link! I hope you find it easier.
How good a poet are you? Click here to create your own poem.
'A écrire' like Queneau would say.
Write them in the comment box please.
To learn more about the author click on his name.
NB! I made a slight change. I typed the poem here so you don't need to click on a link! I hope you find it easier.
How good a poet are you? Click here to create your own poem.
'A écrire' like Queneau would say.
eggs mean des oeufs, sprinkle is saupoudrez,cuire is cook and a little heat is a petit feu M A 6S
ReplyDeleteVraiment means 'really', mettez means 'to put', feu means 'fire', poivrez means 'to add pepper'.
ReplyDeleteI found this poem "out of the ordinary" and not the type of poem you would expect, i like how they have made it almost a recipe.
HB, 6S
I agree, this poem is out of the ordinary. What is the main ingredient of this recipe?
ReplyDeleteThe word for egg is "oeufs", the word for cook is "cuire", the word for heat is "chauffer a petit feu".
ReplyDeleteI like the metaphorical use in the poem and the setup as a recipe.
this poem was strange in a way but unique and fun to read.
ReplyDeletei liked the idea of how it was a recipe.
eggs means des oeufs
, cuire is cook,
little heat is petit feu and sprinkle means soupoudrez.
other ingredients are
quelques means some
voulez-vous means would you like
etoiles means stars
prenez means take
egg means oeufs
ReplyDeletecook means cuire
heat means feu
sprinkle means saupoudrez
cc 6u
Well done. You all seemed to like it and you picked the right words. Some of you are ready to write your own recipe. Don't you agree?
ReplyDeleteCan anyone tell us what is the main ingredient of this recipe?
oeufs means eggs
ReplyDeleteCuire means cook
Petit feu means little heat
Saupoudrez means spinkle
This poem is very different to other poems. I think that 'mosgrand morceau d’innocencet' is the biggest part of the recipe.
oeufs means eggs
ReplyDeletefeu means heat
saupoudrez means sprinkle
cuire means cook
sc 6u
egg is oeufs,
ReplyDeletecook is cuire,
sprinkle is saupoudrez,
heat is chauffer.
Do you agree with SA 6S. Is that the main ingredient? What does everyone think?
ReplyDeletethe poem was out of the ordanary and is not the type of poem you would expect. It writes about how to write a poem .It is written like a recipe and it helps you to understand french very well
ReplyDeleteTR 6s