Monday 25 February 2008

Une Histoire! Les poissons aventuriers

LO: To read and understand a simple story.

Click on Roki's friend to get the

French-English dictionary

and look up words.

Click on this image to get to know Roki and follow his adventures.
Once you have read Roki's story scroll down the page and click on Page suivante. Read about Sam and answer the questions below.
Could you write the answers to all these questions in your exercise book please!
What is he up to? who did Sam go out with? Could you describe Sam. What colour was he? Was he big or small?
What did he do? Which day did he decide to go out?
Leave a comment in French and let us know how you find the exercise:" C'est facile, c'est moyen ou c'est difficile?"


  1. 1.roki alla avec sam la baleine est bleu. est minuscule
    4.roki jouit judo, karate, boxe, cinema, restaurant et teakwondo.
    5.samedi(emily class 4v)

  2. Bravo Emily, Ecris les reponses dans ton cahier d'exercises.

  3. Cassie Joseph
    .Roki is always up to adventures.
    .Roki went out withhis friend Roc the shark.
    .Roki is very adventurous.
    .He is blue and he is miniscule (1 meter tall).
    .He did Judu and had a fight with the shark. He also did karate and boxing with Sam the whale and he went to the cinema and a restaurant with Nette the shrimp
    and finally he did taikwando with his father.
    .He went out on Saturday

  4. Well done Cassidy, Could you write it in your book now please. Madame K.

  5. C'est facile.

  6. Brovo! Essaye un autre exercice plus difficile. Madame K.

  7. Sam va avoir une aventure,

    Sam a sortie avec son ami Lemu,

    Sam est un poisson bleu,il peut se cacher dans l'eau,

    Sam e/tais bleu,

    Sam et Lemu avoir alle restaurant.

    c'est facile.

    Alexandra bunce-ferriol

  8. It was a bit difficult to understand.
    A.S 4C

  9. Well done AS! You are now challenging yourself. You do not have to understand every single word. Sometimes there are clues such as pictures, cognateswhich are similar words in English and French that will help you understand better. The more you read the easier it gets. Let us know what worked for you.
    Happy reading!

  10. The pictures were very funny

    A.S 4C

  11. I thought so to AS

